March 23, 2021
Valleyfest, event producers of Spokane Valley Cycle Celebration, created this privacy statement in order to document and communicate its commitment to doing business with the highest ethical standards and appropriate internal controls. We respect your privacy. Information you entrust to Valleyfest will be handled with the greatest care, and Valleyfest will not use the information in ways to which you have not consented or is not required by law.
This section explicitly defines the web sites and domains covered by this posted privacy policy, and
Sites Covered by this Policy – This Privacy Policy applies to all Valleyfest owned websites and domains, and our wholly owned subsidiaries.
Links to Other Sites – This site contains a number of links to external websites. Valleyfest is not responsible for the security, privacy practices or content of these sites. Your use of any linked website is solely at your own risk.
Valleyfest recognizes the importance of keeping the information we collect about you confidential. We always take great care to protect what you entrust to us. Valleyfest is committed to protecting the privacy of visitors to our website.
Personal Information Gathering
We do not automatically collect personally identifiable information (PII) about our website visitors. We may record the Internet protocol (IP) address of the computer you are using, the browser software used, the operating systems used, and the websites from which our visitors link directly to our site. We aggregate and use this information to determine how many visitors we have to different pages on our website, to detect and correct systems problems, and to improve the usability of our website. This information is not connected to individual names or personal identities.
Covert Information Gathering – Our site does not covertly capture information regarding the specific activities of any particular user. Our site does, however, produce reports that permit us to view your activity on our site in anonymous or aggregated form. We do not use cookies, web bugs, or any other active content mechanism to capture or maintain information about users without their prior consent. We do not store any persistent information on your computer.
Cookies and Web Bugs – Valleyfest integrates Google (with anonymization function) into our website, which allow Valleyfest to evaluate user behavior or to establish links with other websites. Google Analytics uses cookies. Valleyfest gives access to our Facebook page from our website.
Personal Information Usage – When you disclose personal information (name and email address) to us that is where it stays. It is stored securely in the cloud. The only exception involves disclosure to the government according to normal business practice, for instance for the collection of taxes, and according to the orders of a court, for example responding to a subpoena or search warrant. We do not sell, rent, trade, lend, or otherwise transfer such personal information to affiliates, subsidiaries, sister companies, holding companies, parent companies, strategic partners, or any other organization.
Valleyfest has confirmed that all third party(s) handling storage, processing, and/or transmission of cardholder data are PCI DSS compliant.
Opt-in Email Lists – We use email lists that we have assembled from people who have indicated they want additional information about our services. Additionally, we use email lists that are comprised of people who have requested additional information about services similar to those Valleyfest provides. Valleyfest does not provide, sell, or rent email addresses to anyone outside the organization.
Third Party Email Lists – Valleyfest does not purchase third party email lists.
Personal Contacts – Valleyfest personnel frequently give presentations at conferences and business fairs; and participate in similar types of group and individual communications. We often receive business cards as well as requests for additional information or help with risk related issues. When we receive requests for information or help in person, from our website from information volunteered by our web site visitors, or from conferences from people indicating they want more information about our type of services, we will place these individuals on our contact list.
Third Party Access to Personal Information – Valleyfest may use third-parties to process your personalinformation. In these cases, the information is only used for Valleyfest business purposes. Valleyfest contractually prohibits these vendors from using your personal data for any other activities, and from disclosing, selling or leasing them to any other parties.
Third Party Certification – Valleyfest uses the service to validate the privacy policies on this website. Website visitors can verify our status by clicking the SecureTrust seal. Valleyfest has confirmed that all third party(s) handling storage, processing and/or transmission of cardholder data are PCI DSS compliant.
Questions: contact us at [email protected]